<br><br><br>Walking The Stress Off


There are plenty of ways to lighten stress, and I'm sure many of us have special techniques on how to manage our stress levels.

Some watch Netflix, others read books, or go to the gym to blow off some steam. While these activities all sound right, going to the gym especially is like hitting two birds with one stone as you won't feel unproductive after a workout.

But what do these anti-stress activities have in common? They all take our minds off our problems.

We, however, have a suggestion of our own. Let us tell you why walking might be the solution for you:

  • Compared to other activities, walking is not complicated. You just do it, and it's intuitive. If you have walking aids or don't have any close-by open spaces, there are alternatives. Instead of a regular 30-minute walk on uneven terrain or a run through the park, try and walk for 10 minutes around the block. Or consider a treadmill set to the lowest speed, since it does have a way for you to balance yourself.

  • Walking is therapeutic, and it makes your lymphatic system function efficiently. This system is the one that helps the body get rid of toxins and unwanted substances. If you take walking seriously, you can sweat and get shortness of breath, so walking isn't to be looked down on!

  • If you're feeling grumpy or start lashing out at simple things, we'll have you know that walking also improves your mood as you put yourself outside of stress-inducing situations and have a way to clear your head.

  • Listening to your favorite songs while walking can also help you not worry about your problems as your mind is focused on something else. If you don't want to listen to music, you can listen to a podcast instead.

  • Aside from boosting your mental energy, walking also boosts your happiness-inducing hormones, known as endorphins. These hormones directly counter stress and relieve your tension.

  • The more you walk, the more your heart rate will improve, and when this happens, you will have enough energy to be more productive on other things. Walking helps improve and regulate your sleep patterns too. The better sleep you have, the fresher you wake up.


If you want to give it a try, we suggest you set up a morning walk of 30-minutes to one hour a day and make a habit out of it.

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